Arya Samaj Marriage in Shahjahanpur.
Arya Samaj Marriage in Shahjahanpur.

Arya Samaj Marriage in Shahjahanpur – 7827459632

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Arya Samaj Marriage Shahjahanpur (7827459632)

Find out everything you need to know about Arya Samaj Marriage Shahjahanpur. Aryasamaj wedding registration venues, procedures, forms, fees, rituals, and contact information in Shahjahanpur.

If you are looking for information on getting married at the AryaSamajMandir in Shahjahanpur. if so, we are prepared to assist you in this work. On this page, you can find a wealth of information about Arya Samaj Marriage Shahjahanpur. including how to book a wedding, how far in advance you must apply for a wedding booking, how much the wedding will cost overall, the paperwork needed to book, the legal validity of the marriage certificate, the rituals performed by the pandit, etc.

Arya Samaj Mandir Shahjahanpur

We sincerely hope that this crucial information will be useful to you as you arrange a wedding at the AryaSamaj Mandir. Since we are AryaSamaj propagators, our primary goal is to link you up with an AryaSamaj that is registered so that you can take advantage of all the services associated with marriage. You can schedule a wedding by going to the closest AryaSamajMandir branch, which is in Shahjahanpur. and Shahjahanpur. City, based on the information provided below. You can share your thoughts via the contact us form on how helpful our work has been for you.

You must first reserve a wedding date at the AryaSamajMandir. So, you can pick a wedding day according on your preferences. And if for some reason the day you select is not accessible, AryaSamaj will recommend an alternative date for your marriage. Finally, you can choose an open date that works for you. Moreover, if your parents oppose your marriage, check to be sure the day is not a holiday.

To reserve a wedding date and complete the marriage registration form, visit the AryaSamaj office. Alternatively, you can reserve it by calling the AryaSamaj phone number. Therefore, you can make arrangements for your own or your family members' weddings by visiting the AryaSamaj temple office. At the time of booking, you must also supply the required paperwork, both applicants' photos, and payment. After The institution will provide you with a booking confirmation.

Arya Samaj Marriage Requirements in Arya Samaj Marriage Shahjahanpur.

Love marriages, inter-caste marriages, inter-religious marriages, court marriages, arranged marriages, etc. are all services provided by the AryaSamaj wedding in Shahjahanpur. However, the fundamental requirements for AryaSamaj marriage are as follows:

  1. The AryaSamaj wedding Act specifies that a male must be 21 years old before he can legally get married. Additionally, a girl's age should be 18.
  2. Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism are all acceptable religions for AryaSamaj marriage. However, if you don't adhere to one of the preceding lists of religions, then AryaSamaj Marriage is only performed following a process known as "Shuddhi." It refers to purification and comes when people voluntarily adopt Hinduism.
  3. Following the purification ritual, AryaSamaj is legally permitted to give a certificate of religious conversion.
  4. Additionally, you can conduct interfaith marriages and interfaith unions such as AryaSamaj marriages.

The Marriage Process at the Arya Samaj Mandir?

Arya Samaj Marriage in Shahjahanpur
Arya Samaj Mandir in Shahjahanpur

If you take a close look at how marriages are conducted throughout all of India, you will discover that each state has its own unique system.

Because of this, Bihar marriages are Bihari marriages, Maharashtrian marriages are Maharashtrian marriages, Gujarat marriages are Gujarati marriages, South Indian marriages are South Indian marriages, and Punjabi marriages are Punjabi marriages. The marriage ceremony is under one of the 16 rites, and the rites have their roots in the Vedas.

The Vedas date back to the universe's infancy, or billions of years ago. Now tell me, were there states like Gujarat, Maharashtra, Punjab, etc. when the rites were invented by the rishi billions of years ago. that moment? The AryaSamaj has worked to have the sanskaras performed in the same manner as the rishi and muni developed them in ancient times in the same original form of the rites recorded by the Vedas. The rishi had designed the rites for the well-being of the entire human race.

Hindu weddings are renowned for being pricey, opulent, and extravagant events with a lot of family gatherings, food, and decorations. Moreover, These are the days-long wedding festivities. In addition to this customary Hindu wedding ceremony, the AryaSamaj Wedding procedure is also very important.

The simplicity of the AryaSamaj marriage is well known. Additionally, it is reasonably priced and much shorter. Arya samaj marriages follow Vedic customs. Additionally, they are recognised as legal marriages under the terms of the Hindu Marriage Act of 1955 and the AryaSamaj Marriage Validation Act of 1937.

On the wedding day, what should you bring?

  1. the ID.
  2. evidence of birth
  3. Photographs
  4. Witnesses


  • In addition to their original documents, newlyweds must bring two sets of Xerox copies. Additionally, 4 additional Xerox copies of the Aadhar card are needed.
  • You must also produce witnesses. They must bring two Xerox copies of their ID as well as their original ID.
  • Prior notification should be given if one, both, or any of them are engaged to be married, divorced, or widowed. Because they will need to independently submit the certificate of divorce or widower in addition to all the paperwork listed above.
  • Please provide this information if either person's citizenship is not Indian or if neither person practises Hinduism.
  • You must be informed before registration if either of them practises a religion other than Hinduism. Because they would then need to perform Shuddhi Puja before getting married in order to convert to Hinduism. The AryaSamaj offers the Hindu Marriage Act's marriage procedure, which requires that both parties be Hindus.
  • It is a nice thing that the photographer will make the arrangements on your behalf if you are having a wedding photo taken.
  • You have the option of getting married in casual attire, but if you like to wear a formal wedding gown, the AryaSamajMandir will offer changing facilities.

Puja Samagri -

You should bring the following items with you on the day of your wedding:

  1. a few stray flowers and two Varmala.
  2. Pink fabric for the Gath Bandhan, 2.5 meters.
  3. 1 kilogram of sweets.
  4. Mangalasutras.

What paperwork is needed for an AryaSamaj wedding?

What paperwork is required for Shahjahanpur? wedding of AryaSamaj? You must produce the following documents when you appear for your wedding in accordance with AryaSamaj wedding rules:

Proof of identity

Identity documents for the bride and groom. You can provide your Aadhar card, election card, passport, or any other valid form of identification for this.

Evidence of birth

Birth certificates for the bride and groom. You can present your birth certificate, high school transcript, grade list, and PAN card for this.


8 colour passport-sized photos of the bride and the groom.


two witnesses total, two per side. Each of them is required to present their passport, election card, and Aadhaar card.


If neither set of parents can be present when you get married, you need to submit an affidavit. And the AryaSamaj will organize this.


If any of them were previously married and later divorced, you should present the relevant court records.


The death certificate of the former spouse should be supplied if one of the subjects is widowed.

Foreign National

If one of the parties to a marriage is a foreign national, holds a foreign passport, or resides abroad, the other party must provide a certificate stating their current marital status or a no-objection certificate (NOC) from concerned Embassy and legitimate VISA.

The legality of the AryaSamaj marriage

The AryaSamaj Marriage is lawful and authorised by the Hindu Marriage Act of 1937. You will receive a wedding certificate for the couple once the ceremony is over. This certificate is accepted throughout. So, using that, you can apply for a marriage licence that has been granted by the government (ln English). This certificate has been approved by the government and is recognised globally. All social classes in India and around the world enjoy the straightforward, real, and AryaSamaj marriage.

The Hindu Marriage Act and Section 19 of the AryaSamaj Validation Act of 1937 govern the AryaSamaj wedding in Shahjahanpur.

As a result, it has legal standing and is accepted by everybody. Arya samaj can solemnise love marriages, inter-caste marriages, and other unions in accordance with the two Indian acts listed above.

It is therefore accepted by all countries and has legal standing. Arya samaj can perform inter-caste, inter-religious, and love marriages in accordance with the two Indian acts mentioned above. The interreligious person must, however, undergo Vedic purifying procedures in order to be eligible for an AryaSamaj marriage if the marriage is between two different religions.

You can take the certificate supplied by AryaSamaj for government registration when your AryaSamaj marriage procedure is complete. To do this, go to your local municipal corporation and ask for the government of India's approved marriage certificate. But numerous AryaSamaj institutions also aid in the government's registration.

Validity of AryaSamaj marriage certificates outside of India

In all of India, a couple's marriage must follow the Vedic vidhis. Additionally, the AryaSamaj marriage certificate is legitimate. Thus, you can use it.

everywhere in India, a legal document is required. However, you can register the marriage with the neighbourhood municipal corporation once you eventually have the AryaSamaj Marriage Certificate. To fully legitimise it, you must take this action.

Additionally, you can translate the marriage certificate if you receive it in your native tongue. A marriage licence that has been legally translated is recognised outside of India.

Benefits of the AryaSamaj Wedding

What are the benefits of an AryaSamaj marriage, you may wonder? Here are a few of the biggest advantages of having an AryaSamaj wedding that adheres to the straightforward Vedic tradition. These are the explanations for choosing Aryasamaj.

instead of the extravagant Hindu customs, weddings.

  1. According to Arya Samaj Marriage Shahjahanpur ., wedding expenses are quite minimal. The alternative Hindu ceremony, however, is quite time-consuming and expensive. It, therefore, saves both time and money.
  2. There's no need to invite many guests to the wedding. since just two witnesses are needed. And they may be your parents, your siblings, your family, or your friends.
  3. It's not as stressful to plan and prepare. Additionally, they take as much time as a typical Hindu wedding.
  4. Inter-caste marriages of this kind work best. Inter-religious marriage is another option.
  5. For individuals who wish to be married more quickly and easily, this is the greatest option. Additionally, it is a terrific alternative to overly advertised, pricey, and opulent methods.
  6. Weddings held by the AryaSamaj are less time- and money-consuming. However, they also contain Vedic rites, chanting, and divine blessings.

The price of an AryaSamaj wedding in Shahjahanpur.

The cost of an AryaSamaj wedding in Shahjahanpur. ranges from 5000 to 10,000.

The cost of an AryaSamaj wedding is typically quite reasonable. With time, various AryaSamaj have also developed alternative arrangements. If there are fewer participants in the marriage, the cost of the ceremony can be kept to a minimum. The cost was previously discussed.

However, if there are more guests, you can select the large wedding venue at the AryaSamajMandir. These wedding venues might be basic or air-conditioned. Additionally, you can set up decorations, food, etc. A wedding location with these amenities will cost more than usual. You must specifically reserve it by visiting the AryaSamaj office and choosing the services based on your needs.

choice. Only after the services you are receiving will it be known how much it will cost to get married in this manner.

The Arya Samaj Marriage Shahjahanpur . fee comprises the registration fee for the marriage, the rent for the location or hall where you get married, the materials for your marriage's puja, and the money for the marriage affidavit. You may give Panditji some Dakshina.

The AryaSamaj marriage fee comprises the registration fee for the marriage, the rent for the location or hall where you get married, the materials for your marriage's puja, and the money for the marriage affidavit. You are welcome to present Panditji with Dakshina out of respect.

You will need to pay a separate charge if you also want to register your marriage with the government.

Panditji performs the marriage rites for the AryaSamaj

The AryaSamaj rejects idol worship. So the Vedas serve as the foundation for the entire AryaSamaj marriage process. Marriage takes 1.30 hours to complete. Please click on the following link to learn more about the AryaSamaj Marriage Rituals in detail.

The list of marriage rituals observed is as follows:

  1. Introduction and Swagat (Welcome)
  2. KanyaAagaman (Arrival of the Bride)
  3. Jai Mala (Exchange of Garlands)
  4. Madhupak (Offerings) (Offerings)
  5. KanyaDaan (Giving hand of the bride)
  6. Janeu (Thread Ceremony)
  7. PaaniGrahan (Accepting the Hand)
  8. Aisha Rohan
  9. Cosmic Phera
  10. Saptapadi
  11. shindoorDaan
  12. AkhandSubhagyavati
  13. Shanti Path and Aashirvaad

Arya Samaj Mandir Marriage Shahjahanpur FAQ

Eligibility for An Arya Samaj Marriage in Shahjahanpur.

The age should be 21 years or more and the lady of the hour ought to be 18 years of age or more. The wedding couple ought to have a place with the religions of Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, or Jainism to be a piece of the AryaSamaj marriage in Shahjahanpur.

Registering the AryaSamaj Marriage in Shahjahanpur.

The enrollment of an Arya Samaj marriage is directed by a sub-divisional justice. In certain locales, similar to Shahjahanpur, you will get the choice of online enrolment. You will get an arrangement date that is commonly set 15 days after the fact. You have in the first place topping off the conventions of the structure, giving records that give your date of birth, similar to a birth declaration, 2 visa size photos, and a wedding photo.

  • Documents accepted as Age Proof: Voter I. Card, Driving Licence, Matriculation Certificate
  • Documents accepted as Address Proof: Voter I. Card, Driving Licence, Matriculation Certificate, Passport
  • The couple will also be required to get two witnesses, who hold a valid Voter I. Card, Driving Licence, Passport, and 2 Passport size photos.
  • The bride and the groom will also be required to get 7 passport sizes photos each.
  • If either the bride or the groom is a divorcee, then they have to carry a certified copy of the Divorce granted by the Court.
  • If either the bride or the groom is a widow or widower, then they have to carry a Death Certificate of their ex-spouse.
  • If either the bride or the groom is not an Indian citizen, then they need to have a No Impediment Certificate / NOC from the concerned Embassy and a valid VISA.
What are the requirements to get married through the AryaSamaj process in Shahjahanpur?
  • They should not have a living husband/wife at the time of marriage.
  • They should not be incapable of giving consent due to unsound minds.
  • They must not suffer from insanity or epilepsy.
  • The bride should be at least 18 years old and the groom at least 21.
  • Both parties must not be in a prohibited relationship with each other.
Rules of AryaSamaj in Shahjahanpur:
  • The bride and groom should be at least 18 and 21 years of age respectively
  • Both partners must not suffer from insanity or epilepsy
  • They should not have a living husband/wife at the time of marriage
  • Both parties must not be within a prohibited relationship with each other
Who is eligible to marry at the AryaSamajMandir in Shahjahanpur?

The only place of worship authorised by the Hindu Marriage Act of 1955 to perform LEGAL Hindu Marriage is AryaSamajMandir. if you're a Buddhist, Jain, Sikh, or Hindu. The Certificate produced following the marriage can be used as proof and is recognised by the marriage registrar and most government organisations.

We come from various states, castes, subcastes, etc.

For more than 150 years, AryaSamajMandir has been performing marriages in an effort to challenge the social norm. We will assist you to the best of our ability as long as you both have the appropriate intentions.

When officiating weddings, does AryaSamaj consult the Muhurat and horoscope?

No. Arya samaj conducts marriages in accordance with the Vedas, although the Vedas make no reference to this. We firmly think that there is never a bad time to do good work. The most convenient time for the largest number of guests invited to the wedding, however, is the best Muhurat.

How much time passes between getting married and having it legally recognised?

The "Social" and "Legal" tasks of AryaSamaj are to examine the legitimacy of the alliance. After a 48-hour waiting time for any alterations, the AryaSamaj serves on a first-come, first-served basis after which the ceremony can be done pending the priest's availability.

Exist any limitations regarding the location?

Any location within Shahjahanpur is acceptable for the wedding ceremony. The responsible person is responsible for paying for transportation. The Arya Samaj premises are also available for wedding ceremonies. Call 7827459632 to schedule an appointment to view the possibilities that would best fit your needs. You can do this while submitting the forms.

What are the anticipated costs?

Wedding expenses Acquisition of Materials as Per the ChecklistIf the marriage is being performed at AryaSamaj, the Dakshina to Pandit, Hall Fee Premises

How long does a wedding take to complete, and who will arrange for the HawanKund and other items needed?

The wedding is performed in no more than 1 or 2 hours. Regarding the    supplies needed

When should the priest or Panditji receive the Dakshina?

It must be presented right after following the ceremony.

Can I get a marriage certificate from Arya Samaj Marriage Shahjahanpur?

Arya samaj will issue a "Marriage Certificate" within five to ten working days of the wedding ceremony, which may then be presented to the Registrar of Marriage for the issuance of a legal certificate from them

Contact Information

Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh, 242001, India